Conferences and Events

Washington & Jefferson College, a private, liberal arts college since 1781, boasts a picturesque, 52英亩的校园位于华盛顿县匹兹堡以南30分钟.

With state-of-the-art meeting rooms, an experienced sales and catering staff, and high-quality residential and fitness facilities, W&J为您的所有需求提供一流的体验, from workshops, meetings, and seminars to conferences, youth camps, and special events.


Room or Floor: 

Rossin Campus Center

Rossin Campus Center

罗辛校园中心,顾名思义,是澳门葡京博彩软件的中心. 它拥有校园商店,会议室,以及许多校园办公室和服务.


Office Leadership
